Pastor's Page
Pastor Jody Darden
Pastor Darden was born again on Easter Sunday morning in 1986 and was called into the ministry later that same year and began serving as youth leader of Macedonia Baptist Church in Powell, Tennessee. He received his Ordination into the ministry in 1987 upon accepting his pastoral appointment at New Life Baptist Church also in Powell, Tennessee. He received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at his home in 1988 during a revival meeting in which he was ministering. Feeling the call to embrace the fullness of GOD, he began a bible study with 6 people to teach and move farther in the direction of the Holy Ghost and his gifts. In March of 1989, Pastor Darden pioneered a fresh and new Pentecostal work called Redemption Harvest Church where he still serves as Senior Pastor.
Pastor Darden has always felt the call to do the work of an evangelist first, making full proof of his ministry, just as the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to do. With a great call on his life, while being confirmed through several prophetic utterances, Pastor Darden's ministry has gone international. His message of Redemption and Holy Ghost Power is preached with a great anointing and with signs and wonders following.